Import meines Toyota Camry 2015 XSE V6 aus der USA.
Mit dem Transport USA - Deutschland beauftragte ich, nach gründlichen Recherchen im Web, die Firma Rolf Günther GmbH & Co. KG und wurde nicht enttäuscht. Die Kundenbetreuung war sehr freundlich und persönlich auf den Kunden bezogen, der Preis war fair. Herr Hohlfeld hat mich regelmäßig über den aktuellen Status informiert, was für eine derartige Unternehmung sehr wichtig ist. Hätten wir nicht die Option gewählt, das Fahrzeug direkt beim Händler zu bezahlen, wäre auch der Transfer vom Händler zum Hafen von der Firma Rolf Günther organisiert worden. Ich erhielt mein Auto unbeschädigt plus eines extra Prüfberichts! Jedem, der ähnliche Transaktionen plant, ist die Firma Rolf Günther wärmstens zu empfehlen. (Peter Birkner)
Import eines 1931er Ford A-Models
Über viele Jahre habe ich die Firma Rolf Günther bereits mehrfach in Anspruch genommen um Fahrzeuge, speziell Oldtimer verschiffen bzw. importieren zu lassen. Die Mitarbeiter sind überaus kompetent. Der Kontakt ist jedes Mal äußerst angenehm. Die Abwicklung vom ersten Moment bis zu dem, wenn die Fahrzeuge in Bremerhaven abgeholt wurden, hat immer reibungslos funktioniert. Termine wurden immer eingehalten und für jeglichen individuellen Wunsch stieß ich auf offene Ohren. Danke und gern immer wieder! (Markus Neumann, KFZ Sachverständiger)
Annual Survey M/V YM MOBILITY on 03rd May 2014 in Bremerhaven.
Dear Sirs,
thanks for your great assistance. I really appreciated for your good coordination and effect that all the works done smoothly.(Tony Hu (???), Inspector Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp.)
Import of a Peterbilt truck from the USA
Thanks for the great service and an extra thanks to Mr. Hohlfeld for the great support during pick up at the port. (Thomas Huber)
Port Agency Services for the tugboat „RT DARWIN“. She has been chartered for 3 years by an Australian company and is currently on her way to Port Hedland. Calculated transit time: 51 days, routed via Port Said, Suez Canal, Djibouti and Male.
Thank you Stephan, that was an awesome performance! Thank you so much I really appreciated all your efforts. You made it all so easy for me. It has been a real pleasure working with you and I look forward to working with you and your company again in the near future. (Phil Tapley | Marine Superintendent, IMS - International Maritime Services)
Our last call to Bremerhaven within this charter went absolutely perfect as usual. I would like to thank you and your office-crew for the really excellent service, which cannot be found very often anymore worldwide. Total Know-How, kindness, flexibility and helpfulness had always been outstanding! You still offer and work the old shipbroker’s style and it always had been a pleasure working with you. Keep this style to work a Port Agency, because it makes you a really special company! (Captain Michael Simon, M/V Hyundai Tianjin)
Import of a classic '58 Chevrolet Corvette, incl. escrow service in the USA.
Herewith I’d like to thank you again for the excellent service of your company regarding the purchase, transport and customs clearance of my Chevrolet Corvette. You offered great support and I will always recommend you. (Mr. Ulrich Seier)
HLV „STANISLAV YUDIN“ loading tripods at Offshore-Terminal Bremerhaven.
Great support, know-how and perfect service of your agency! Thank you very much!
(Arthur Feenstra / Vessel-Manager SHL – Seaway Heavy Lifting)
Sling assembly on mega-baseframe for project „BorWin”.
We reached a milestone and this was only possible due to your excellent teamwork, your tireless efforts, your proactive and professional cooperation, your patience and understanding to be able to react quickly on sudden challenges. I would like to take the opportunity and thank you and your colleagues for making this possible and would be glad if we could work together on another project in the future.
(Carsten Spellig / Construction Manager Siemens AG Energy Sector)
Pontoon tow of a big Jacket to the field „Borkum-West“.
Scheduling, preparation and execution of the tow had been on top level!
(Port Authorities Bremerhaven)
Towage of Tripods on pontoon to the field „Borkum-West“.
An outstanding, flexible and flawless cooperation, which had been an unquestionable support for our project! Thank you very much!
(Marcus Delin / Project Manager Trianel GmbH)
There are no borders in the „Rolf-Guenther world“! By working with hand-picked, well established partner companies we are proud to be able to offer you our highest work standard almost all over the world. Our self-developed quality standards ensure reliable connections in our partner-network which offer our clients unique benefits. Just ask us!
» ContactAt first glance: A very young team. But what isn’t that obvious is the fact that everybody in our team has a specific business education in the fields of ships industry or forwarding and logistic agency. Know-How leads to Quality and that’s why we don’t stop to improve our skills and knowledge. All this just to be able to ensure competent and modern solutions for your requests.
» Our team